Apple iPad: Largest Screens And Highest Number Of Features

The release of the newest techno gadget from Apple has proved to be one of the biggest anticipated computer device releases of recent years. However, just like any big release this one did not go off without any hitches. There are only a few minor glitches being reported by consumers and Apple is working quick to correct all the issues that have been presented to them in the functionality of the new Apple iPad.

This new tablet PC is a great device for consumers that ipad trade in value are looking for a simple application based operating system. There is nothing confusing about the features and functionality of the Apple iPad. Much like the fast selling iPhone, the user environment is very easy to understand and rather intuitive. So for people who are not so technology savvy, this device offers a great platform for ease of use and jumping into the techno age without having to learn to speak geek.

The only real problem that has been reported so far is an issue with internet connectivity. This problem is being caused by certain wireless routers that run on multiple channels. The problem is when the iPad tries to reconnect to a known network, it may not recognize the router. Apple was quick to share information to allow users to change configuration on their iPad or on the router itself to correct this issue. This seems like a very small issue for almost a half of a million devices shipped already. The iPad may be one of those rare releases that come out with very few bugs. This is obviously not like a Windows release. However the limited functionality of the operating system does help in this matter. There are fewer features to interfere with each other and cause conflict. Apple has done an amazing job and look forward to seeing an iPad in every coffee shop you go in for the next year or more!